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Date   : Mon, 26 Jan 2004 19:50:24 +0000
From   : Roy Collett <roy@...>
Subject: Re: Graphics Rendering in BeebEm

In article <40155B8B.7000801@...>, Richard Gellman
<splodge@...> writes
>Please don't take the following as a dig against anybody or BBC Micro 
>fans (this list i particular) as a whole, but I would really appreciate 
>it if people would answer the question asked rather than going down a 
>semi-related tangent. While I appreciate the problems the current 
>versions of BeebEm are suffering from, and the fact that I haven't been 
>doing any work on BeebEm for over a year (due to reality creeping in), I 
>am trying to tie up the loose ends with BeebEm to make sure the emulator 
>runs as smoothly as possible. At the same time, I don't want to go and 
>disappoint people by removing a featuer that is commonly used, or by 
>wasting time on something that nobody wants.
>The speed/timing issues will be fixed. There will be hard drive support, 
>and a future version will support plugins. But these things take time, 
>and when I'm trying to get one part to operate correctly, I would 
>gratefully appreciate if people could stick to the matter in hand. All 
>feedback is welcomed and appreciated, as are suggestions for bug fixes, 
>code contributions, plugin suggestions, and anything else that anybody 
>feels may be of use.
>Once again, none of that was personal or in any way intended to be negative.
></almost rant>

You are doing good work, it is appreciated.

I support your proposed changes to rendering engine use.

I think that trying to speed things up to work on old systems is a
waste. Priority should be that the emulator works at the correct speed
on future (very much faster) systems. 

Roy Collett  roy@...
New Southgate, London, England.

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