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Date   : Sun, 18 Jan 2004 22:19:21 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Depraz + Penny & Giles mice...

Just been given 3 old mice - two are made by Depraz (one a grey shell,
the other a very nice red), and the other by Penny + Giles. They caught
my eye because a) Pete Turnbull had mentioned that the ACW came with an
optional mouse made by Penny and Giles (my ACW doesn't have a mouse or
the mouse board), and b) all three used plugs that would physically fit
the BBC's user port.

Now that they're home:

The Depraz units are model D83/P (There's a pic of an identical one
here: http://www.bell-labs.com/user/dwd/5620.jpg)

The Penny and Giles one underneath says "D41876" and "6500002" (I assume
the latter is a serial number).

Looking at the pinout of a BBC user port, the mice make use of 0V, +5V,
and data lines 0,1,2 and 4,5,6,7. So it looks like they are indeed
electrically compatible with the BBC too!


a) Anyone know what BBC software ever made use of these mice - or
compatibles with the same pinouts?

b) Anyone know what ACW software ever made use of the optional Penny and
Giles mouse?

c) Anyone have schematics for the ACW mouse board? (I don't know why the
mouse didn't plug into the B+ board's user port on the ACW and instead
used a seperate mouse board - but I'm *assuming* the mice would plug
into that board)

d) Anyone have at least a good photo of the mouse board? :-)  Both
pictures I've seen have the ACW's hard drive cables obscuring the board!



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