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Date   : Mon, 19 Jan 2004 00:07:47 +0200
From   : "Peter Van Ek" <vanekp@...>
Subject: Re: [Announce] BBC Hard Drive Package Update

Looking forward to the long awaited/promised version of BeebEm that supports
Hard drive emulation.

Also have been reading the stuff on the mailing list regarding IDE/SCSI/SASI
Hard drives.
I have been using a SCSI Hard drive with a SASI Interface I build, diagrams
downloaded from BBC Lives Website (HardDrive-V1.2.zip) (See also
WinchesterServiceManual.zip docs on BBC Lives Website) Had a problem getting
a hard drive to work on it at 1st & found that it had to be SCSI-1 H.D. or
else it would not work, I am running the controller with a Seagate ST4376N
(Monster size full Height 5 1/4 H.D.) but it was the only one I could get
working on the controller, and have a whopping 294Mb of space available for
BBC software & only 39Mb Used todate.
I also had to write my own formatter program bases on the ones that come
with the "HardDrive" ZIP file as the Hard drive had some bad sectors and the
original formatter would not replace them with the available alternative
sectors on the disk, I have been using it for some years now with very
little trouble.
According to the docs 2 H.D.'s won't work :-
"Two Winchester drives have been used successfully on one controller, and as
expected they appear as drive 0 and 1. Unfortunately ADFS 1.30 on the BBC
B/B+ doesn't support the second controller (drives 2 & 3), probably because
there was not sufficient space in the ROM for the extra code, we can only
hope that Acorn will implement the extra code one day???"
Does anyone use the E00 ADFS Rom (ADFS-1.31E00.rom "also from BBC Lives") It
seems to contain a bug, if you try to save a section of memory using *SAVE
and it does not start on a page boundary I.E. "SAVE ABC 600+100 is OK but
"SAVE ABC 610+100 gives a "Disc error 70 at :0/000500", any ideas ? I have
looked around for a newer version but nothing doing !

Peter Van Ek.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Gellman" <splodge@...>
To: "bbc micro Mailing List" <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 18:23
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] [Announce] BBC Hard Drive Package Update

> Hard drive support will be in the next version of BeebEm (due out
> spring-ish).
> Dave Moore (stairwaytohell.com) has kindly offered hosting space. I'm
> currently finalising the details, but there should be *something* soon.
> -- Richard Gellman
> (P.S. Yes, I *PROMISE* I'll sort out the speed/timing issues)
> Jon Ripley wrote:
> >I would like to announce recent updates of the BBC Hard Drives package
> >which contains twenty-two preformatted ADFS hard drives for use with
> >emulators.
> >
> >ADFS is capable of supporting up to four 512Mb hard drives giving a
> >total storage capacity of 2Gb of data.
> >
> >The hard drive images are provided in the following sizes: 2Mb, 4Mb,
> >8Mb, 16Mb, 20Mb, 24Mb, 32Mb, 40Mb, 48Mb, 56Mb, 64Mb, 80Mb, 96Mb, 100Mb,
> >128Mb, 192Mb, 200Mb, 256Mb, 300Mb, 320Mb, 400Mb and 512Mb. In total this
> >packages contain 2.83Gb (2898Mb) of data compressed to less than 15Kb.
> >
> >The Package is available in three formats:
> > o A RAR archive containing each individual image (as a RAR archive).
> > o A ZIP archive containing each individual image (as a ZIP archive).
> > o A self extracting archive (for MS Windows) containing each individual
> >   image (as self extracting archives).
> >
> >They can be found here at my web site:
> >http://www.stryker.freeserve.co.uk/8bit/HardDrives/
> >
> >One feature sadly lacking from many BBC Microcomputer emulators is 1Mhz
> >bus support with Hard Drive interface emulation, this unfortunately
> >means that while floppy disk images and audio tape images are usually
> >supported hard drives are not.
> >
> >These downloads will be useful for anyone who is using a emulator that
> >includes a hard drive interface.
> >
> >I hope that the availablity of ADFS formatted hard drive images will
> >encourage emulator authors and maintainers to implement the necessary
> >code to support their use.
> >
> >Jon R.
> >
> >

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