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Date   : Sun, 21 Sep 2003 16:37:03 +1000
From   : "Bob Devries" <bdevries@...>
Subject: Re: Fw: XFER v4 problem

Mark said:
> I'm the author of XFER 3. This version used a buffer with a size of (I
> think) 4000 bytes. That doesn't mean you couldn't read or write files
> than 4000 bytes, it's just the amount of data sent over every time.
> XFER 3 indeed contained a bug that in *very* rare circumstances caused it
> fail.

Well, what happens is; any file that's over 4096 bytes long gets sent up to
that size, then both sides (the PC and the BBC) appear to lock up. I can't
CTRL-C out of the PC programme, nor can I ESCAPE out of the BBC one.

If I press BREAK, then do a *CAT, I find that the file is there with a
length of &1000 bytes.

I've checked and double-checked the cable; it's OK.

I don't really know where to go from here; except I'm waiting for a
replacement 6845 (thanks Jules!), to fix my screen woes, which may be able
to let me see what the Beeb is printing on its screen.

Regards, Bob Devries; Ipswich, Queensland, Australia

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