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Date   : Sun, 21 Sep 2003 14:50:54 +0200
From   : Mark <bbcmailinglist@...>
Subject: Re: Fw: XFER v4 problem

Hi Bob,

As said, if I'd first advise you to follow all advise given here and try out
everything, because it's usually good advice.

If it still doesn't work, you could try XFER version 3. (Still available:
http://bbc.nvg.org/software.php3#transfer .)It does contain the mentioned
bug (but this occurs only in *very* rare cases), but the buffer sizes and
the way these buffers are dealt with are different than in XFER 4. If XFER 3
doesn't work either, you can be 99.999% sure it's a hardware problem.

Also: XFER 3 contains a document with a large amount of tips of what to do
when things don't work.

(In nearly all mails I got in the past the cable was the problem. Often ppl
checked the wiring and thought it was ok, then made a new cable and the
problem was solved. Please check: it may be that XFER 3 recommends a
slightly different cable wiring than XFER 4 does. I think Angus wanted a
more "standard" cable, I just included the minimum required wiring. But I'm
not sure about this anymore.)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...]On Behalf Of
> Bob Devries
> Sent: zondag 21 september 2003 8:37
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Re: Fw: [BBC-Micro] XFER v4 problem
> Mark said:
> > I'm the author of XFER 3. This version used a buffer with a size of (I
> > think) 4000 bytes. That doesn't mean you couldn't read or write files
> larger
> > than 4000 bytes, it's just the amount of data sent over every time.
> >
> > XFER 3 indeed contained a bug that in *very* rare circumstances
> caused it
> to
> > fail.
> Well, what happens is; any file that's over 4096 bytes long gets
> sent up to
> that size, then both sides (the PC and the BBC) appear to lock up. I can't
> CTRL-C out of the PC programme, nor can I ESCAPE out of the BBC one.
> If I press BREAK, then do a *CAT, I find that the file is there with a
> length of &1000 bytes.
> I've checked and double-checked the cable; it's OK.
> I don't really know where to go from here; except I'm waiting for a
> replacement 6845 (thanks Jules!), to fix my screen woes, which may be able
> to let me see what the Beeb is printing on its screen.
> Regards, Bob Devries; Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
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