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Date   : Tue, 22 Jul 2003 14:23:16 +0100
From   : Jon Ripley <beeb@...>
Subject: [Announce] BBC Hard Drives Package (for supporting emulators)

I would like to announce the release of the BBC Hard Drives package.

The BBCHDDs packace contains twenty-two preformatted ADFS hard drives
for use with emulators.

The hard drive images are provided in the following sizes: 2Mb, 4Mb,
8Mb, 16Mb, 20Mb, 24Mb, 32Mb, 40Mb, 48Mb, 56Mb, 64Mb, 80Mb, 96Mb, 100Mb,
128Mb, 192Mb, 200Mb, 256Mb, 300Mb, 320Mb, 400Mb and 512Mb. In total this
packages contain 2.83Gb (2898Mb) of data compressed to a mere 10Kb.

They can be found here at my web site:

One feature lacking from many BBC Microcomputer emulators is 1Mhz bus
support, this unfortunately means that while floppy disk images and
audio tape images are usually supported hard drives are not.

These downloads will be useful for anyone who is using a emulator that
supports hard drive (via 1Mhz bus) emulation. The disk images can be
mounted as ADFS L floppy disks but only the first 640Kb will be
accessible. This is due to the way that ADFS is written.

I hope that the availablity of ADFS formatted hard drive images here
might encourage emulator authors and maintainers to implement the
necessary code to support their use.

Jon R.
http://www.stryker.freeserveco.uk/ Quality RISC OS Software
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