Date : Mon, 21 Jul 2003 21:28:29 +0000
From : "W.Scholten" <wouter.scholten@...>
Subject: book list
Attached a list of known BBC books. If you can fill in any gaps with
publisher/author names/dates or books not listed, send me a mail...
BBC/atom/old magazine scans etc:
- DUTCH: "Probleemloos programmeren in BBC basic" (Douglas Gregory, Addison
- DUTCH: "Professionele software voor de BBC" (K.L.Boon, A.R.T.Pelsmaeker,
uitg. Kluwer?, jaar?)
- DUTCH: "BBC microcomputer: praktische tips, programma's BASIC" (Albert
Sickler, 1983)
- DUTCH: "Op avontuur met de BBC" (Wichert van Engelen, uitg. Wolfkamp,
2e druk feb. 1985)
- DUTCH: "BBC en electron atlas" (Arno Eliens & B.B.C.-onderwijs werkgroep,
2e editie, 1-10-1987) [ nederlandse handleiding, van cursus ]
- DUTCH: "BBC BASIC handboek" (voor BBC master, micromundo, 1987)
- DUTCH: "Handboek bij het ADFS en DFS" (voor BBC master, micromundo, 1986)
- DUTCH: "Het BBC computer spelen boek" (Hartnell+Gee+James)
- DUTCH: "Mijn Acorn BBC... en Acorn Electron, 'Basic voor kinderen'"
(Wolters-Noordhof, 1985)
- DUTCH: "Tekstverwerking op de BBC Computer met View, Wordwise, Wordwise
Plus en Scribe" (A.Stuur en H.Wildschut, eigen uitgave, 1985)
- "Disk programming techniques for the BBC microcomputer" (Michael Coleman,
Prentice Hall, 1985?)
- "The BBC microcomputer disk companion" (Tony Latham, publ.?, year?)
- "Basic programming on the BBC microcomputer" (Neil Cryer & Pat Cryer,
publ.?, year?)
- "Using BBC basic" (P.J. Cockerell, publ.?, year?)
algemeen ?? - "Exploring FORTH" (Owen Bishop, Granada, 1984)
- "Games for your BBC micro" (Alex Gollner, Virgin, first edition 1983)
- "Games BBC computers play" (Tim Hartnell S.M.Gee and Mike James, publ.?,
- "30+ Programs for the BBC microcomputer" (Chris Evans, editor, CJE Microcomputers,
- "Using floppy disks with the BBC microcomputer", (Keith Davis, pub. Cumana)
- "Cumana disk drive guide" (Cumana)
Watford Electronics:
- "Mysteries of disc drives and DFS revealed" (David Smith, Watford Electronics,
Akhter group:
- "The Akhter diskdrive, a user's manual", 1985
- "The disc book" (M.H.Lerner, Technomatic, 1st edition, 1984)
- "Graphs and charts on the BBC microcomputer" (Acornsoft: Robert D. Harding,
- "100 programs for the BBC microcomputer", for models A and B (Prentice
hall international & Acornsoft: John Gordon)
- "LISP on the BBC microcomputer" (Acornsoft: Arthur Norman &Gillian Cattell,
1st ed. 1983)
- "FORTH on the BBC microcomputer" (Acornsoft: Richard de Grandis-Harrison,
1st ed. 1983, WATERDAMAGE)
- "BCPL user guide" (Chris Jobson & John Richards, Acornsoft, 1983)
- "Creative graphics on the BBC micro computer" (Acornsoft: John Cownie, 1982)
Adder Publishing:
- "Basic ROM user guide" (Adder Publishing, Mark Plumbley, 1984)
Addison Wesley:
- "The art of microcomputer graphics for the BBC microcomputer" (Jim McGregor
& Alan Watt, Addison Wesley, 1984)
- "Creating adventure programs on the BBC micro" (Ian Watt, Addison-Wesley,
- "Interfacing projects for the BBC micro" (Bruce Smith, Addison Wesley, 1984)
- "Advanced programming techniques for the BBC micro" (McGregor & Watt,
Addison Wesley, 1983)
- "The BBC micro book - Basic, sound and graphics" (Jim McGregor &
Alan Watt, Addison Wesley, 1983)
- "Games BBC computers play" (Tim Hartnell, S.M Gee and Mike James, Interface
Publ. / Addison Wesley, 1983)
- "Assembly language programming on the BBC micro" (John Ferguson & Tony
Shaw, Addison Wesley, 1984?)
BBC soft:
- "Mastering music", programming sound on the BBC model B micro (BBC soft:
S & A Gibbs)
- "The book of listings - Fun programs for the BBC microcomputer" (Tim
Hartnell & Jeremy Ruston, BBC soft, 1982)
Cambridge microcomputer centre:
- "The advanced disk user guide for the BBC microcomputer" (Cambridge
microcomputer centre: Colin Pharo, 1985)
- "The advanced user guide" (Cambridge microcomputer centre: Bray, Dickens
& Holmes, 1983)
- "Advanced BASIC ROM user guide" (Cambridge microcomputer centre: Colin
Pharo, 1984)
Century publications:
- "Best of PCW, programs for the BBC micro" (Century communications/PCW,
- "PCW games collection" (Century communications/PCW, year?) ]
- "35 Educational Programs for the BBC micro" (Ian Murray, PCW (Century
publ.), 1983)
- "The BBC micro ROM book - Sideways ROMs and RAMs" (Bruce Smith, Collins,
- "Creative Animation and Graphics on the BBC micro" (Mike James, Collins,
Ellis Horwood:
- "Structured programming with BBC basic" (Roy Atherton, Ellis Horwood, 1983)
- "The BBC micro - An expert guide" (Mike James, Granada, 1983)
?? - "Advanced programming for the BBC micro" (Mike James and S.M. Gee)
- "Take off with the electron and BBC micro" (Audrey & Owen Bishop, Granada)
- "BBC micro graphics and sound" (Granada: Steve Money, 1983, 2nd reprint)
- "The complete programmer - A guide to better programming in Basic" (Mike
James, Granada, 1983)
- "Disk systems for the BBC Micro" (Ian Sinclair, Granada, 1984?)
- "21 games for the BBC micro" (Mike James, S.M. Gee and Kay Ewbank, Granada,
- "The BBC micro machine code portfolio - 75 expert routines" (Bruce Smith,
Granada, 1984)
- "Filing systems and databases for the BBC micro" (A.P. Stephenson &
D.J. Stephenson, Granada, 1984)
- A.P. Stephenson: "Discovering BBC micro machine code"
- A.P. Stephenson & D.J. Stephenson: "Advanced machine code techniques
for the BBC micro"
Interface publications:
- "The BBC micro compendium" (Jeremy Ruston, Interface publications, 1983)
- "Advanced programming guide to the BBC micro" (Jeremy Ruston, Interface
Publications, 1984) [ als "The BBC micro compendium" maar zonder BASIC
disassembly ]
- "36 challenging games for the BBC micro" (Tim D. Rogers & Chris Callender,
Interface publications, year???)
- "The BBC micro revealed" (Jeremy Ruston, Interface, 1983)
- "Let your BBC micro teach you how to program" (Tim Hartnell, Interface
- "Structured Basic" (NEC, R. Freeman)
- "Beyond Basic" (R. Freeman, NEC)
McMillan press:
- "Advanced graphics with the BBC model B microcomputer" (McMillan press:
I.O. Angel & B. J. Jones, 1983)
- "Assembly language programming for the BBC microcomputer" (McMillan
press: Ian Birnbaum)
Melbourne house publishers:
- "Guide to the BBC ROM" (Don Thomasson, Melbourne House publishers, 1984)
- "BBC hardware projects" (Don Thomassen, Melbourne house publishers, 1984)
NCC Publications:
- "Word processing on the BBC micro, Wordwise and Epson" (Michael B. Wood,
NCC Publications, 1984)
Newnes Microcomputer Books:
- "Programming the BBC micro" (Peter Williams, Newnes Microcomputer Books,
Penguin books:
- J. Griffiths: Creative assembler, penguin books
Personal computer news/PAN:
- "Invaluable utilities for the BBC micro" (Jeff Aughton, Personal computer
news/PAN, 1983)
- "Sixty Programs for the BBC micro" (Personal computer news/PAN, 1983)
- "Exploring music with the BBC micro and Electron" (Kevin Jones, Pitman
publishing, 1984)
- "Pocket guide, programming for the BBC micro" (Neil Cryer &and Pat Cryer,
Pitman, first edition, 1983)
Prentice Hall:
- "BBC micro advanced programming" (Joe Telford, Prentice Hall, 1985)
- "Further programming for the BBC micro", Alan Thomas (Shiva, 1984, 1983?)
- "BBC micro in education" (Eric Deeson, Shiva, 1983)
- "BBC micro assembler workshop" (Bruce Smith, Shiva Publishing, 1984)
Sigma technical press:
- "Practical programs for the BBC computer and Acorn Atom" (Sigma technical
press: David Johnson-Davies, 1982)
- "Getting more from your BBC and Electron computers" (Noel Kantaris &
Keith Thompson, Sigma technical press, 1984)
Sunshine books:
- "DIY robotics and sensors with the BBC computer" (Sunshine: John Billingsley)
- "Making music on the BBC microcomputer - A musician's guide to programming"
(Ian Waugh, Sunshine books, 1984)
- "Essential maths on the BBC and Electron computers", (Czes Kosniowski,
Sunshine, 1984)
- "Graphic art for the BBC computer", Boris Allen, Sunshine, 1983/1984)
- "Functional FORTH for the BBC micro" (Boris Alan, Sunshine Books, 1983)
- "Essential maths on the BBC and Electron computers" (Czes Kosniowski,
Sunshine, 1984)
Wise owl publications:
- "A hardware guide for the BBC microcomputer" (Wise owl publications, 1983)
Zomba books:
- "The better guide to the BBC micro" (Geoff Bains, Zomba books, 1984)
- "Wordwise Plus - A user's guide" (Bruce Smith, publ.?, year?)
- "Screenshot progamming series: Step by step programming, BBC micro (book
one)", Ian Graham, publ.?, year?
- "Screenshot progamming series: Step by step programming, BBC micro (Omnibus
edition)", Ian Graham, publ.?, year?
- "Gateway to computing with the BBC micro (book 1)", Ian Stewart, publ.?,
- "Gateway to computing with the BBC micro (book 2)", Ian Stewart, publ.?,
- "A child's guide to the BBC micro (family edition)", John Dewhirst,
Cambridge educational, year?
- "A child's guide to the BBC micro (school edition)", John Dewhirst,
Cambridge educational, year?
- "The penguin BBC B compendium, Pushes BASIC to its limits", Spencer
Bateson & Ian Thomas, Penguin, year?
- "Assembly language programming on the BBC and Acorn Electron", R.B.Coats,
publ.?, year?
- "Beginners' micro guides, BBC micro", Jonathan Inglis, publ.? year?
- "BBC micro, programs in BASIC", Derrick Raines, Newnes microcomputer
books, year?
- "Instant arcade games for the BBC micro", Personal computer news, PAN, year?
- "Advanced sideways RAM user guide, for the MASTER and BBC computers",
Bruce Smith, Victory publishing, year?
- "The BBC micro add-on guide", Allan scott, Mike Scott Rohan, Philip
Gardner, Collins, 1985
- "BBC micro: music master class", Ian Ritchie, Personal computer news/PAN,
- "Practical programs for the BBC micro", Owen Bishop & Audry Bishop,
publ.?, year?
- "The complete BBC computer user handbook", John Lockley, publ.?, year?
- "In introduction to data handling in BBC BASIC", James, Gatenby, publ.?,
- "File handling on the BBC microcomputer", Brian J. Townsend, publ.?, year?
- "The BBC micro ROM book:Sideways ROMs and RAMs", Bruce Smith, publ.?, year?
- "Within the BBC microcomputer", R.Cullis, Losco Ltd, 1985
- "BBC BASIC for beginners", author?, Melbourne house, year?
- "The BBC microcomputer for beginners", Seamus Dunn & Valerie Morgan,
publ?, year?
- "BBC micro assembly language", Bruce Smith, Shiva, year?
- "....BBC micro" (full title?), Tim Hartnell and Ian Watt, publ.?, year?
- "First steps with your BBC micro", author?, publ.?, year?
- "Structured program design with BBC and other BASICs", Gwyn Jones, publ?,
- "The BBC micro advanced reference guide", Bruce Smith, publ.?, year?
- "BBC basic", R.B.Coats, publ.?, year?
- "Sensing & control projects for the BBC micro", Thomas Nunn, Micro books,
- "The super-user's BBC micro book", author?, publ.?, year?
- "Business applications on the BBC micro", Susan ?? & Margaret Norman,
publ.?, year?
- "Networking with the BBC microcomputer", author?, publ.?, year?
- "Advanced statistical analysis on BBC microcomputers", N.W.Please, publ?,
- "Exploring adventures on the BBC model B", Peter Gerrard, publ.?, year?
- "How to write adventure games, for the BBC microcomputer model B and
Acorn Electron", Peter Killworth, Penguin, 1984?
- "Adventures with the BBC microcomputer", Witchert van Engelen, Prentice
Hall international, 1985
- "Graphics on the BBC microcomputer", Neil Cryer & Pat Cryer & Andrew
Cryer, publ.?, year?
- "The century programming course for the BBC micro", Peter Morse & Brian
Hancock, Century communications (PCW), year?
- "Getting started in BBC basic, on the BBC micro & Electron", Mike Bibby,
Database publications, 1985
- "The companion to the BBC micro", author?, Personal computer news/PAN, year?
- "The BBC micro guide", author? publ.? year?
- "Easy programming for the BBC micro", (Eric Deeson, Shiva, 1983)
- "Putting your BBC micro to work", author? publ.? year?
- "Learning to use the BBC microcomputer", author? publ.? year?
- "Designing software projects for the BBC micro", Ian Murray, Century
communications, year?
- "Handbook of precedures and functions for the BBC micro", Audry Bishop
& Owen Bishop, Granada, year?
- "Beginners guide to interfacing the BBC microcomputer", Martin Philips,
publ.?, year?
- "Interfacing the BBC micromputer", Brian Bannister & Michael Whitehead,
macMillan?, year?
- "Interfacing and robotics on the BBC micro", Ray Bradley, Micro press, year?
- "Writing educational programs for the BBC & electron", Dave Carlos &
Tima Harrison, Papermac computer library, year?
- "More games for your BBC micro", author?, publ.?, year?
- "Exploring BBC BASIC", Roger McShane, Prentice Hall international, 1985
- "Mathematical programs in BBC BASIC", Alan Whittle, Prentice Hall international,
- "Business programming on your BBC micro", Peter Jackson & Peter Goode,
Phoenix, 1985?
- "Applied assembly language on the BBC microcomputer", Edward Ball, Prentice
Hall, 1985
- "The BBC disk book", author?, Century communications, 1985?
"100 programma's voor de BBC microcomputer", John Gordon, Prentice Hall,
year? [ DUTCH translation of "100 programs for the BBC microcomputer" ]
"40 Grafische programma's voor de Electron en BBC", Marcel Sutter, Academic
service [ DUTCH ], year?
"Programeercursus assembly", T. de Havas & P. Holmes, Kluwer [ DUTCH assembler
course ], year?
"Programmeren in BASIC met de BBC microcomputer", Neil Cryer & Pat Cryer,
Prentice Hall, year? [ DUTCH translation of "Basic programming on the BBC
microcomputer" ]