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Date   : Thu, 29 Aug 2002 09:03:24 +0200
From   : "Isabel & Robert" <rschmidt@...>
Subject: Re: The Sentinel

Unless the retro feeling is important, I'd recommend the Win95 game
"Sentinel Returns" by Psygnosis.  I believe a "slightly cracked" version can
be downloaded from The Underdogs (http://www.the-underdogs.org/).

Secondly, a freeware Windows remake called Sentry is available here:


----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Gellman" <ricky@...>
To: "BBC Micro Mailing List" <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:17 PM
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] The Sentinel

> >Does anyone know why The Sentinel won't play on BeebEm? I've never played
> >it - but heard good things about it and wanted to try it.
> Uhm, I've had The Sentinel working fine on BeebEm :)
> I am aware that some versions of it don't work however. I believe the
> version of stairwaytohell.com is a working copy.
> As for game content, it can be very addictive, but its also very long.
> The concept is simple, absorb surrounding trees (and also boulders and
> robots if they have been created) and get yourself on a vertical level
> to that of the Sentinel (best done by absorbing loadsa trees, then
> a robot on two boulders and transferring to it).
> Then absorb everything in sight, absorb the sentinel, create a robot on
> tower, transfer to it, and hyperspace.
> Obstacles: If the sentinel sees you (he rotates occasionally), you got 5
> seconds to go elsewhere (either by robot transfer or hyperspace) before he
> drains your energy 1 tree at a time.
> If the sentinel sees you, but not the square your standing on, he may turn
> tree into a meanie, which is kinda like a portable sentinel (only easier
> evade).
> The units of conversion are 2 trees to a boulder, 3 trees to a robot, 5
> robots to a Sentinel.
> Enjoy :)
> -- Richard

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