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Date   : Thu, 28 Feb 2002 10:20:12 -0000
From   : Daniel Luton <DLuton@...>
Subject: Re: Circuits involving a SAA5050? getting horribly OT

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that it's not paying the license fee that
is the problem, but rather the fact that you don't get any choice in the
matter - for example, what if I don't want to watch certain BBC channels?
BBC1 is the only one I really watch, and yet I still have to pay for the
other crappy BBC channels (BBC2, Choice, News24), which isn't exactly fair
in my view.  BBC1 is good but it ain't worth £12 per month for sure.

I'm not saying it's just the BBC's fault - far from it - I mean, I pay a Sky
Dig subscription fee and only watch 20% of those channels with any

So, the problem is being forced to pay for shit and not even having a choice
in the matter, it's not as clean cut as "don't have a telly if you don't
want to watch it".

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Matthews [mailto:tim.matthews@...]
Sent: 28 February 2002 07:59
To: 'Colin Fraser'
Cc: bbc-micro@...
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Circuits involving a SAA5050? getting horribly

Obviously i might appear biased but the licence fee is much fairer than
advertising funded telly. If you don't want a telly - you don't pay for a
licence. But if you don't want a telly, you still pay for stuff you buy to
be advertised on it.
ITV et al are not for free, remember.

The only completely 'fair' way is for subscription only or pay-as-you-view -
which would result in rubbish programming.

People whinging about the licence fee is like people who haven't been ill
complaining about having to fund the NHS.

Sorry to go so OT, but feeble arguments and ridiculous comparisons get my

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colin Fraser [mailto:colin@...] 
> Sent: 25 February 2002 14:44
> To: 'Michael McConnell'; 'Kris Adcock'
> Cc: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Circuits involving a SAA5050?

> Tell that to the judge.
> If you have equipment that can receive TV signals, it'll be 
> up to you to prove you haven't been using it. Personally, I 
> don't the TV license is any more justifiable than a tax on 
> the use of toasters or fridges, but we don't live in a free country...
> Colin f

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