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Date   : Thu, 28 Feb 2002 10:12:53 -0000
From   : "Colin Fraser" <colin@...>
Subject: Re: Circuits involving a SAA5050? getting horribly OT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Matthews [mailto:tim.matthews@...] 
> Sent: 28 February 2002 7:59
> To: 'Colin Fraser'
> Cc: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Circuits involving a SAA5050? 
> getting horribly OT

> People whinging about the licence fee is like people who 
> haven't been ill
> complaining about having to fund the NHS.
> Sorry to go so OT, but feeble arguments and ridiculous 
> comparisons get my
> goat. 

Seems like you'll be getting your own goat then, comparing complaining
about a large fixed fee to pay for a couple of has-been TV channels out
of the many available, to complaining about paying a proportional income
tax for an essential public service.

One of the top five reasons why women in the UK end up in jail is for
non-payment of a fine levied for not paying a TV license.
You don't get a discount for being poor. How civilised.
You do get a discount for being blind - a whopping 10%.

Anachronistic BBC flag-wavers get my goat, especially when the license
fee pays their wages.

Colin f

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