Date : Wed, 28 Nov 2001 01:18:59 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: BEEB Stuff
> Message-ID: <3C036380.99D32169@...>
Tim Fardell <tim.fardell@...> wrote:
> Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> > Yes, the word/text processor of your choice. I use View.
> >
> > You don't need a TCP/IP stack to use an email client. Just some form of
> > a) fetching incoming mail and b) sending outgoing mail.
> Well, yes, OK you could just use the Beeb as a terminal, but you
> wouldn't really be using the Beeb to send (or receive) the mail. What
No, not using a Beeb as a terminal, using the Beeb itself.
I use View on a Beeb to read and write email. View the word processor,
not View a terminal client.
I use my BBC dial in and upload and download my email.
Admittedly, it's not (yet) using an SMTP connection itself, but it's still
a BBC being used to read and write and fetch and send email and newgroups
J.G.Harston (JGH BBC PD Library) 70 Camm Street, Walkley, SHEFFIELD S6 3TR
jgh@... - Running on BBCs & Masters with SJ MDFS FileServer
Z80+6502/CoPro+Tubes/Econet+SJ - - - - - - -
Never, ever, EVER, *EVER*, *E*V*E*R* use an apostrophe to make a plural