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Date   : Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:54:16 EST
From   : MJBramham@...
Subject: Re: Re: BEEB Stuff

To begin with, I know about PCs and it was my interest in computing that led
me to the BEEB, and I know that my 6 year old computer is too old to be fixe
and updated without an awful lot of hard work on my own part.  I also know 
that it would cost me upwards of £1000 to get a decent setup that included
all of the peripheral hardware I rely on so much.  So when I think that I ca
purchase a BBC that will not have these problems, and will not suffer the 
gradual degradation that is accepted as commonplace in the modern PC, when I
know that the addition of a decent printer will give me near PC quality 
wordprocessing, with fast access and no stupid problems/office assistant, an
when I know that all of this will cost me in the region of £100 with no 
maintainence cost whatsoever, I'm afraid that there is no contest.

I do not judge the quality of the service I am getting from a piece of 
equipment by where it figures in the evolutionary scale of things.  Just 
because it is new, doesn't mean it is better by default.

Connect it to the web, I say.

Marc.  Powered by AOL at 0.1bps, grass grows faster.

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