Date : Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:59:09 +0100
From : "Richard Gellman" <r.gellman@...>
Subject: Re: RE: Online BBC Games database
>If BeebEF is to fully support the protocol, and it is intended primarily to
>include information that would have been available to the software user but
>not the machine hardware, do emulators really need to support any of the
>protocol? Couldn't a method for BeebEF just passing on the relevant
>information be formed, and is a new method necessary when I assume it can
>already push certain files upon emulators when starting them up?
*erms for a bit and quotes from the email he just sent to Mark De Weger*
My idea for the protocol was a simple way for any frontend or emulator to
identify a disc image based on its contents.
The opportunity to offer additional information is at the discretion of the
emulator/front-end author.
IMO, I quite like the idea of a simple (but optional) retrieval system
whereby publisher/game info is retrieved for the selected disc (or tape)
image. But any plans in this area involving BeebEm are a long way off.
-- Richard Gellman
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