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Date   : Wed, 22 Aug 2001 18:57:19 +0200
From   : "Mark de Weger" <mark@...>
Subject: RE: Online BBC Games database

OK, now Richard and Robert have commented on the idea (no Richard, we're not
giving you leave from BeebEm development :), let me add some ideas.

What we would at least have to decide upon is:
- what sort of functionality would we like the protocol to support;
- how generic/specific should the XML format be.

About functionality:

I was thinking about a Web server with a backend database that has all
Beeb-related programs, docs, screen shots, etc. stored, preferably in XML
structure (or a XML->relational conversion in between). Then you could have
a client program like BeebEF, which connects to the Web server, tells you
which software/docs you there's available, which you've already got
installed and which not. Then with a few button clicks you could download
and install the required stuff. Synchronisation functions ("give me
everything related to Elite" or "download all screenshots"), maybe even on a
subscription basis could also be catered for.

I realise this is very ambitious (and very specific), and therefore the idea
of Richard's cddb appeals to me. As I interpret it, this would mean "give me
every screen shot, doc etc. related to Elite" instead of "give me all data
for the Pixies' album Doolittle". (Is this what you mean, Richard, or did
you mean all *data* related to Elite, e.g. a spec of the files rather than
the files themselves, or even something else?)

Any other ideas (e.g. about integrating a protocol in emulators--what
functionality should be supported then?) are welcome.

About the XML format:

We could make it very generic, e.g.

    <progurl> ... </progurl>
       <docname> ... </docname>
       <docurl> ... </docurl>
       <docname> ... </docname>
       <docurl> ... </docurl>

or make it much more specific, by adding specific entries for screen shots,
box cover art, manuals, installation documentation, function key strips,
game solutions, game cheats, game maps, etc etc.

What do you think? Should it be very generic, but not very informative, or
very specific and informative. (Currently BeebEF follows a middle road, by
treating disk images, screen shots, and box covers specifically, but other
documentation generically. In addition it allows you to specify some
meta-information, such as whether a disk image requires an E00 DFS, program
type--which is user-definable--, comments and warnings for specific

I'd like to hear anyone's ideas.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-bbc-micro@...
> [mailto:owner-bbc-micro@...]On Behalf Of Richard Gellman
> Sent: maandag 20 augustus 2001 22:40
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Online BBC Games database (was RE: [BBC-Micro] ANNOUNCE : UEF
> Specification 0.9)
> >I've thought about taking BeebEF one step further as follows. Currently,
> you
> >have to set up BeebEF with your own local BBC programs, pictures, docs,
> etc.
> >My idea would be to set up a Web server at which all Beeb-related info is
> >stored according to the structure defined in the DTD, using an
> XML file or
> >database. Then BeebEF could be converted into a client program that
> connects
> >to the Web server, displays everything stored on this Web server (i.e.,
> >programs, pictures, docs, etc., nicely related to eachother) and then
> allows
> >you to download the stuff you want and install it ready for use in the
> >current BeebEF and thereby also all emulators.
> >
> >Unfortunately I cannot (yet) setup my own Web server (let alone
> a back-end
> >database) and I spend quite a lot of time during "real" work (one project
> >involves Biztalk... hey... maybe...).
> >
> >But I'd happily exchange any ideas on this subject.
> If the people are willing to let me take a break from beebem
> after the next
> release (due sometime around 2046.. (just kiddin)), I could knock up an
> adequate cddb-style online database system without too much trouble... as
> long as someone else is willing to pay for the shell for it to
> run on, as my
> shell account is limited to 1 background process (bnc for irc protection
> purposes), and i don't want to buy another :)
> What I mean by cddb-style btw, is a database that can be accessed
> from a web
> frontend, as well as having its own server and protocol for
> automatic use by
> programs.
> -- Richard Gellman
> <Serious bit>
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