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Date   : Sat, 04 Aug 2001 10:56:58 +0100
From   : "Gary McCallum" <gary.mccallum@...>
Subject: Re: etiquette, quoting and stuff

> I apologize in advance for this post, it's offtopic, but feel I have to
> send it.
> I also apologize for my tone in my response to Andrew's post. I could
> have been more friendly.

Likewise, but I feel the following needs pointing out.

> Alright then, donning my asbestos suit:
> Gary McCallum in his infinite wisdom wrote to me:
> > Fine, Fuck Off you oboxious little bastard!
I'm not obnoxious, just pissed off, I posted a message to try and restore
some sanity to this group, only to have an idiot like you comment on an
extremely trivial subject.  Evidently you don't practice what you preach
otherwise you wouldn't have replied publicly.

> No, it's you who's obnoxious (bastard, well I'm not, don't know about
> you) and it's your messages that are going to be fucked off to the bin;
> that is, I guess you're replying to the comment below and mistakenly
> thinking I'm leaving this ML. Btw, see how bottom/top posting don't mix?
It's a shame you're not leaving the list, with ranting and raving you may as
well leave the list, I for one won't miss you.

> > P.S. I've put my reply at the top on purpose

>Aha. I just thought it was habit. Do you find it difficult to take
>criticism or just had a bad day?
I see your sense of humour was removed at some stage!  I'm not bothered
about criticism, people on high horses need bringing down.  I have to deal
with people who are only just starting to use a computer every day, if they
we're all subjected to the guidelines that you would like us to follow they
would be too frightened to do anything!

> Damn. Wasted even more comments on a troll.
Have you been talking to yourself again???

> Anyone else who's angry, please don't bother trying to insult me. All my
> comments are based on logic and netiquette. Disagreeing is fine if you
> give valid arguments why. And if you show me where I'm wrong, then if
> indeed it turns out I made a mistake somewhere, I will gladly
> acknowledge this fact.
We're waiting.......

Apologies to everyone else reading this, I sent my message to Wouter direct
as so not to bring down the tone of the mailing list any further.  It was
Wouter who decided to drag it back into the Public Domain, proving that he
does not practice what he preaches and prefers to spend all day standing on
his soap box putting the world to rights.  My original e-mail was sent to
try and restore some order to an extremely trivial matter, but due to the
moronic behaviour of a certain person, this thread has been dragged out to
even more off-topic messages.  I'm hoping this is the last message on this
topic in the mailing list (although I doubt it!).  Can we all please just
get on with discussing BBC related issues.

Many Thanks


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