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Date   : Sat, 04 Aug 2001 01:19:22 +0000
From   : "W.H.Scholten" <wouter.scholten@...>
Subject: Re: etiquette, quoting and stuff


I apologize in advance for this post, it's offtopic, but feel I have to
send it.
I also apologize for my tone in my response to Andrew's post. I could
have been more friendly.

Alright then, donning my asbestos suit:

Gary McCallum in his infinite wisdom wrote to me:
> Fine, Fuck Off you oboxious little bastard!

No, it's you who's obnoxious (bastard, well I'm not, don't know about
you) and it's your messages that are going to be fucked off to the bin;
that is, I guess you're replying to the comment below and mistakenly
thinking I'm leaving this ML. Btw, see how bottom/top posting don't mix?

> P.S. I've put my reply at the top on purpose

Aha. I just thought it was habit. Do you find it difficult to take
criticism or just had a bad day?

[ belongs above ]

> > saying you choose to be rude. Fine, I for one will simply toss your
> > messages in the bin. Goodbye!

[ end of what belongs above ]

Damn. Wasted even more comments on a troll.

Anyone else who's angry, please don't bother trying to insult me. All my
comments are based on logic and netiquette. Disagreeing is fine if you
give valid arguments why. And if you show me where I'm wrong, then if
indeed it turns out I made a mistake somewhere, I will gladly
acknowledge this fact.


PS. Pathetic, this business isn't it?
Well, as I said before, this sort of thing happens everywhere...
Complaing about it won't help, and arguments for or against a given
'viewpoint' don't seem to work either as people just choose to ignore
them. Very very sad that.

I could have been friendlier in my reply to Andrew true...
But fact of the matter is that on all of the net, people are getting
less friendly and my response is somewhat a reaction to this (why should
I remain friendly if someone does not bother to respond to the arguments
given but provides yet more of the same opinions others have posted
before? Very sad also that people see it as a right for mailing lists to
entertain them and threaten to leave (another viewer gone, to channel 4)
if it's not entertaining enough).

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