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Date   : Tue, 22 May 2001 20:36:14 +0100
From   : "Kevin Etheridge" <kevin.etheridge@...>
Subject: EUG - Electron User Group

Just to clarify. Anyone who commits to, and takes out a subscription to
EUG, would, if the mag. folded, be refunded in full for all unused
subscriptions. If you don't initially want to commit - send a submission
to Dave on a 3.5" or 5.25" DFS or ADFS disc. Dave will return the disc
to you, with a free copy of EUG - thats the submission deal !!!! It's
submissions that are wanted MORE than subscriptions - but
realistically,and honestly, the two should go hand in hand. Email Dave
and get him to send you a sample disc on your preferred format. The
whole thing about these messages is to remind people that EUG exists,
and that it's continued existance is in jeopardy. Dave does not want to
wrap this mag up, any more than we all wanted to see the 8-bit market
and machines dwindle away into the past - but it's going to happen. The
8BS mag went, fiaz says that Clan Acorn went - is EUG to be the next
casualty ? Send Dave some submissions for inclusion - anything is better
than nothing and NO EUG !! No fingers are going to get burnt here or
money lost...........come on now..........the url and email for EUG are
on my previous first two emails - GO FOR IT !!!!

thanks for listening....kevin

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