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Date   : Tue, 22 May 2001 15:51:02 +0100
From   : "Kevin Etheridge" <kevin.etheridge@...>
Subject: EUG - Electron User Group

I don't know how many subscribers to this newsgroup are members of EUG -
the Electron User Group, so my apologies to those who are and know this.

The EUG has been operating for some years now, under various different
editorial auspices, latterly now with (the) Dave Edwards in Redcar. The
EUG sends out to it's membership a monthly (well, now Bi-monthly) disc
on either BBC, Electron or Master format containing news from the net /
about the 8-bit Acorn legacy, as well as reviews, software, letters,
interesting pieces of information that are still of interest to those
addicted to the 8-bit Axorn machines !!!

This is a VERY professionally produced operation that is sadly about to
'shut up shop' due to lack of interest/submissions. Dave is reliant on
the membership supplying him with software/reviews/letters/features etc
to keep this magazine (disc) going. It's not for profit or gain, but
purely to try and keep a semblance of interests centralised in these
classic machines, that subscribers to THIS newsgroup help to keep alive.

Dave does not ask much, and gives a great deal in return. Subscriptions
are £15.60 for 12 issues over two years (although more membership
would equal more frequent issues). Dave gives a free issue for each
submission to the magazine - so you can't really lose can you. This is
NOT a drive for subscriptions, it is an effort to make the acorn
interested community aware that one of the last wholly devoted media for
these machines is about to FOLD. Due to lack of interest, Dave has
decided that #62 will be the last one - we're on #58 now. There is STILL
a vast interest in these machines and people are still willing to
contribute. Pete Hatton has just recently given permission to EUG to
feature 'Moonbase Beta' for inclusion on one of it's remaining issues
together with operating instructions, hints and tips etc - so come on -
contribute. Dig those 'nearly' games out of your disc boxes,and all
those neat routines for graphics or how to make Superiors 'SPEECH!' say
things it was NEVER supposed to - CONTRIBUTE, SUBSCRIBE - GO FOR IT !!!!
- there is still so much out there that other acorn fans would be
interested in - '3D pool' , 'Jeremy Goes Jumping', The elusive Repton 4
or Cyroid X - how about it - have EUG showcase these !!!!

Me, what do I get out of all this - NOTHING, except the continuation of
a production I only recently found out about, and wished I had known of
when it was first started. EUG cannot be aloowed to end through what
amounts to TERMINAL APATHY !!!!!

sorry if I've ranted on a bit, but come on, the old epithet still stands
'For as long as my memory endures, so shall I' - Lets not forget about
these machines we slaved over and spent our hardearned pounds on !! Keep
EUG alive !!

all the best, and thanks to Pete Hatton for starting the ball rolling
!!!! (submission wise)

Kevin Etheridge
107 Tanyard Way


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