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Date   : Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:43:34 +0100
From   : Paras Sidapara <Paras.Sidapara@...>
Subject: Re: storing BBC tape programs on minidisc?

I remember reading recently on the web someone had successfully sampled
Spectrum games into their PC, compressed them onto an MP3 CD, and played
them back using a CD portable (obviously one with MP3 support) into the
Speccy. Of course, they could be lying but it should be an easy thing to try
out - why not give it a go?!

I suspect that with Beeb tape at just 1200 baud, and MP3 being designed to
reproduce about 150kb of data per second (CD quality), even very high
compression should have a negligible effect.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Harte [mailto:t.harte@...]
Sent: 11 April 2001 20:39
To: List, BBC
Subject: [BBC-Micro] storing BBC tape programs on minidisc?

Of course, before anyone answers in general terms I'd have them remember
that the BBC tape encoding (well the Electron does anyway, so I'd assume . .
.) uses a sine wave, not a square one like every other micro ever invented,
but I wonder : would the compression applied when saving on every day, run
of the mill minidiscs prevent a BBC being able to decode its saved files?
And what about if they were instead stored in mp3 format? Has anyone tried
any of these combinations?


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