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Date   : Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:32:00 +0100
From   : "Gray, David" <David.Gray@...>
Subject: Re: PC-BBC message 2

Use bbc explorer and copy all properly named files from your compressed disk
image into a brand new one of your desired type i.e. acorn style or watford.
then do your process as before.

bear in mind that many of the disk images around on the internet have some
crap in them i.e. the original extraction of the image has also picked up
some deleted guff as well so if you get disk full errors when copying in BBC
explorer chances are you have also copied some of this guff as well  

I can send you a screen grab to show what I mean if you like (can't think
every one wants a picture)

similar process can be achieved with bbcim extract files to data and inf
then create image of correct type and add files and set the *opt stuff and
do your method again

there is some info on this on the BBC lives site 

and in the old documentation that came with beebem if you forgot the format
and opt commands 


-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Dalton [mailto:timothydalton@...]
Sent: 12 April 2001 09:50
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] PC-BBC message 2

Ok, I understand now that they are shortened, but I have many times...
1) formatted a disk on my M128
2) written the file onto 3.5" disc using FDC
3) had the 'input file shorter than expected' message in FDC
4) and then got either garbled messages on my Master, or a game where the
menu loads up and then hangs.

In fact, the only games that have worked are Gunsmoke, Snapper and Repton 3!
I have tried loads more.
Anyone know a program which can add the blank zeros onto the end? Or is it
something do do with interleaving? Or is it because I am using a Master?



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