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Date   : Sat, 07 Oct 2000 14:42:52 +0100
From   : Mark Scholes <mark@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC - Acorn User ( yellow page) game question.

Evil top posting corrected.

In message <39DE35F4.AA40A918@...>
          Isabel Cisternas & Robert Schmidt <rschmidt@...> wrote:

> "Victor R." wrote:
> > 
> > 1. It was published in Acorn user magazine yellow page ( I do not
> > remember the year and the volume) as binary code ( dump)  I believe. And
> > there were some explanations about the tricks involved in  game code.
> >
> > 2. Inside the game were two little clowns or gnomes or elfs wearing the
> > elf hats.

Wizards. It's called Wizalon.

> > They were jumping with the jump board ( you can move this jump board
> > - this is the only way to control the elf jumping )


> > 3. The Idea of the game: When the elfs  jumping they can punch the
> > balloons placed around the screen  by their hats. To go to the next level
> > you have to punch all the balloons on current level.
> >
You can also jump on them about 5 times.

> > That was really nice game I liked it for a long time and I want to play
> > it again on my old BBC but I can not find it anywhere.
> > If you can help me to find it or  to find the information about it or at
> > least the name I would really appreciate for that.
> > 
> I remember that AU issue myself, but can't remember the name of the game
> and I never played it.  I'm pretty sure it is not yet in the Acorn User
> part of the TBL! archive (http://www.nvg.org/bbc/sw/AcornUser).
It's not.

It's at http://www.markscholes.freeserve.co.uk/misc/wizalon.zip in RISC OS
format. Feel free to convert, upload to BBC Lives etc.

It's rather difficult, pretty unique though. And the music only repeats every
1000 years or something.

Mark Scholes
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