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Date   : Fri, 06 Oct 2000 22:28:36 +0200
From   : Isabel Cisternas & Robert Schmidt <rschmidt@...>
Subject: Re: BBC - Acorn User ( yellow page) game question.

Hi Victor,

I remember that AU issue myself, but can't remember the name of the game
and I never played it.  I'm pretty sure it is not yet in the Acorn User
part of the TBL! archive (http://www.nvg.org/bbc/sw/AcornUser).

I've sent a copy of this reply to the BBC micro mailing list (see
http://www.nvg.org/bbc/netresource.shtml#mail for info on how to join),
so maybe somebody there can help?  (Mark de Weger, maybe?)



"Victor R." wrote:
> Hello,
> I do not even know if it is the correct place to ask this question.
> If this is not a right place please forget about this message or let me
> know where is the better place to put this request.
> I will try to be short.
> I am looking for the game or information about the game or just the name
> of the game.
> Here is what I remember about this:
> 1. It was published in Acorn user magazine yellow page ( I do not
> remember the year and the volume)
>     as binary code ( dump)  I believe. And there were some explanations
> about the tricks involved in  game code.
> 2. Inside the game were two little clowns or gnomes or elfs wearing the
> elf hats. They were jumping with the jump
>     board ( you can move this jump board - this is the only way to
> control the elf jumping )
> 3. The Idea of the game: When the elfs  jumping they can punch the
> balloons placed around the screen  by their hats.
>     To go to the next level you have to punch all the balloons  on
> current level.
> That was realy nice game I liked it for a long time and I want to play
> it again on my old BBC but I can not find it anywhere.
> If you can help me to find it or  to find the information about it or at
> least the name I would really appreciate for that.
> Thank you in advance.
> Victor.
> BBC B+ 128

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