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Date   : Wed, 13 Sep 2000 00:27:48 +0100
From   : "Colin McNaughton" <colinmac@...>
Subject: On the hunt... (And "Hello" really!)

Hi folks, 

I don't know how many of you are out there, but ...

I'm on the hunt for any old beeb kit. I'd really like to get back into
the beeb scene - I've had 2 BBC B's in my time, one with a 2nd 6502
(Can't believe I sold it!) and I'm looking to aquire one again to
satisfy my hunger for Elite.

I'll like to hear from anyone that has a Beeb B or higher sitting (in
the loft, perhaps!) around, 'cos I could make use of it, if the price is
right. Please mail me if you have anything I might be interested. I'm
hoping that somewhere, someone has upgraded to an Archimedes and stuck
an older machine in the loft. I can trade plenty PC hardware if anyone
is interested!

Monitors, disc drives, you name it, I want it!!

Sadly all I have left from those days is a Electron, which isn't
anything like as heavy as a beeb!

Yours Aye,  (and hello everyone, my first post to this group)


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