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Date   : Tue, 12 Sep 2000 23:32:03 +0100
From   : Martin Thomas <martin@...>
Subject: Re: ISO Pascal disk?

In article <fmN8c7Agy$u5Ewdc@...>, Mike Tomlinson
<mike@...> writes
>In article <NDBBIEGJPLKLGGJFKFPDIEOLCAAA.mark.deweger@...>, Mark de
>Weger <mark.deweger@...> writes
>>Hello all,
>>Does anyone happen to have (an image of) the disk accompanying the Acornsoft
>>ISO Pascal Roms? I'm currently fiddling around with ISO Pascal and would
>>really appreciate the disk.
>Hi Mark,
>Had a hunt through my discs and turned up this:
>"Acornsoft S-Pascal - PASCAL for BBC"
>Not sure if this is the one to go with the ISO-Pascal ROMs, give it a
>try.  It's a 40 trk disc image.

This is *not* the disk for ISO Pascal.  S-Pascal was a separate product.
S-Pascal is a cut-down Pascal compiler that compiles a subset of Pascal
(no floating point etc.) to machine code, unlike ISO while compiles to
an intermediate code that is then interpreted by the ISO ROMs.

I have the ISO disk here (as well as the S-Pascal disk) and I'll dig it
out if you have any trouble getting it from any other source.



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