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Date   : Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:04:15 -0700 (PDT)
From   : Thomas Harte <t.harte@...>
Subject: ANNOUNCE : first release of 'FreeUEF'

I doubt if anyone on this list is particularly interested as UEF files tend
to be Electron only games at present, but today I released the first release
of 'FreeUEF' - which may or may not work for you, which can take a UEF file
and output it via your sound card such that you can make a new tape copy of

The relevance to users of this list is that 'The Stairway to Hell' (
http://www.stairwaytohell.com ) has on its Electron page many games that are
in their BBC/Electron version (they aren't marked as such, but many have zip
names starting 'BBCElectron', which is a big giveaway) and a very small
number of BBC only games, which can be freed back to tapes now if you feel
the need. Also, the tool coupled with 'MakeUEF' which creates UEF files from
tapes may prove useful for sending tapes electronically should anyone care

The tool itself is available from my ElectrEm page (
http://electrem.emuunlim.com ) on the 'Related Tools' page. Please beware
though, that 'MakeUEF' which goes with it takes some shortcuts in its tape
reading to the effect that it can only really deal with standard ROM tapes,
or tapes that look like them (e.g. they claim to have 256 data bytes after
the header, and the checksum is correct for the first 256, but another 1024
follow those), and it has a hard coded value for the length of time between
one file and another which I suppose may cause some tapes to reach the next
file before the last one has finished drawing a title screen or whatever. No
problem if you have a rewind key on your tape player though!

Anyway, I just thought someone might be interested. In particular reference
to previous threads, it would provide you with a usable copy of Hampstead
for real hardware, and even an Elite (albeit the Electron version) that
works 100% . . .


Say Bye to Slow Internet!

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