Date : Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:03:44 +0100
From : James Fidell <james@...>
Subject: Re: More tape to disc transfer fun: Alien 8
Quoting Rich Talbot-Watkins (Richard_Watkins@...):
> While we're on this tape to disc thread (Hampstead), here's my chance
to bring
> up an old favourite topic of mine: did anyone ever look at Kevin Edwards'
> protection on Alien 8 by Ultimate, and did anyone crack it and get it onto
> disc? My conclusion was that it was actually impossible to crack without
> writing a hardware emulator or resorting to hardware cheating somehow.
> Anyone who ever looked at the code will know exactly what I'm talking about!
Sure I did. And yes, I wrote some hardware emulation to do it :)
"Yield to temptation -- | Consultancy: james@...
it may not pass your way again" |
- Lazarus Long | James Fidell