Date : Wed, 19 Jul 2000 08:03:14 GMT
From : "Julian Stenning" <julian_stenning@...>
Subject: Re: Music - Cold Tea
I remember the Buggles clip - still got it somewhere amoungst 2 or 3 disks
full of music.
Anyone remember the name 'the Micro Kid' - he seemed to write alot of beeb
I wonder who he was and where he is now!
P.S. I met Gary Partis at an Acorn show one year. I had a broken leg and he
signed my plaster!
>From: "Jason Thain" <jason@...>
>To: "List, BBC" <bbc-micro@...>
>CC: "Kevin Bell" <kevin@...>
>Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Music - Cold Tea
>Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 00:55:41 +0100
>While surfing in November 98 I came across a background tune on a web page
>that was really bugging me from my BBC days. I emailed the site's owner who
>turned out to be a guy called Gary Partis.
>He told me "It's called 'Cold Tea' and it was used in my C64 game, Jet
>Jack by MicroPower. The tune was then played backwards in Psycastria!"
>His page seems to be down now, but you can hear the tune (sounding slightly
>different to the BBC incarnation I think) at:
>And, I've just noticed, download the MP3 of the BBC version at
>P.S. I remember the demo you mention. Mode 7 graphics wasn't it? I also
>remember the Toccata and Golden Brown ones. Anyone remember the Buggles
>where the Beeb actually sang "Video Killed The Radio Star" ?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-bbc-micro@... []On
>Behalf Of Kevin Bell
>Sent: 17 July 2000 22:22
>To: List, BBC
>Subject: [BBC-Micro] Music - Cold Tea
>Its probably bit of a long shot, but ...
>Does anybody remember a program which played a tune called 'Cold Tea'
>it did this while display some graphics which 'danced' to the tune (in Mode
>I think)
>I remember the version I has someone had rearranged the title letter from
>'Cold Tea'
>to 'Clod Eat' - but I think that was probably a friend of mine ...
>I always though it was quite good... If anybody knows where I can find it I
>would be
>P.S. There were other music demo programs as well 'Toccata', 'Only You',
>'Golden Brown' ...
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