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Date   : Wed, 19 Jul 2000 00:55:41 +0100
From   : "Jason Thain" <jason@...>
Subject: Re: Music - Cold Tea

While surfing in November 98 I came across a background tune on a web page
that was really bugging me from my BBC days. I emailed the site's owner who
turned out to be a guy called Gary Partis.

He told me "It's called 'Cold Tea' and it was used in my C64 game, Jet Power
Jack by MicroPower. The tune was then played backwards in Psycastria!"

His page seems to be down now, but you can hear the tune (sounding slightly
different to the BBC incarnation I think) at:


And, I've just noticed, download the MP3 of the BBC version at



P.S. I remember the demo you mention. Mode 7 graphics wasn't it? I also
remember the Toccata and Golden Brown ones. Anyone remember the Buggles clip
where the Beeb actually sang "Video Killed The Radio Star" ?

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bbc-micro@... [mailto:owner-bbc-micro@cloud9.co.uk]On
Behalf Of Kevin Bell
Sent: 17 July 2000 22:22
To: List, BBC
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Music - Cold Tea

Its probably bit of a long shot, but ...

Does anybody remember a program which played a tune called 'Cold Tea'
it did this while display some graphics which 'danced' to the tune (in Mode
I think)
I remember the version I has someone had rearranged the title letter from
'Cold Tea'
to 'Clod Eat' - but I think that was probably a friend of mine ...

I always though it was quite good... If anybody knows where I can find it I
would be


P.S. There were other music demo programs as well 'Toccata', 'Only You',
'Golden Brown' ...

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