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Date   : Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:03:46 +0100
From   : John Simpson <Simpson.J@...>
Subject: Re: BBC - RiscPC econet link up

> > I've been promised a BBC micro from someone I used to work with, and
when I
> > get it I'd like to set up a network between it and my RiscPC, for file
> > transfer (I realise that there are other, possibly easier methods but
> > like to try the network approach if it is practicable).
> >
> Have you looked at John Kortnik's program:

I'd not seen it before but it does look very useful. Only one problem
though... I don't have the facilities to blow EPROMs. 
> > I know very little about econet and would like some guidance on the
> > following points:
> > 
> > 2. Assuming that a Master econet board will slot into a RiscPC, is the
> > software present in RiscOS to drive it? (I assume so). Would additional
> > file
> > server software be needed? Does the card fit into a podule bay or
> > 
> I don't think it does, Master boards will fit Axxx, Axxxx (except A3010
> maybe A3000(?)) but not RPCs IIRC. I too have a RiscPC and no econet baord
> for
> it. Now we've got two RiscPC's I'm thinking about connecting those but
> 100ukps
> each for network cards is a bit steep, serial again I think.

This makes sense. 8bs suggests that the cards do fit, but I guess Chris
hadn't thought about RiscPCs. I certainly can't think where the board would
go. Incidentally, I recently repaired an econet-fitted master and didn't
notice an expansion board in it (well, it had a socket on the back, so I
presume it had econet). 

> I'd go for serial or parrallel transfer, although I'd set up a network if
> had enough spare money as it's much more powerful.

Exactly. I hadn't dared to look at the price for a new RiscPC econet card.
£100 is horrendous - I expected it to be about £30! I thought econet was
supposed to be a cheap system... Presumably linking up old technology like
econet to something comparatively modern is the bit which incurs the
additional cost.


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