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Date   : Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:02:46 +0100
From   : Mark Scholes <mark@...>
Subject: Re: BBC - RiscPC econet link up

In message <00D27C922E85D211B8BA00805F89B83E269047@...> you wrote:

> I've been promised a BBC micro from someone I used to work with, and when I
> get it I'd like to set up a network between it and my RiscPC, for file
> transfer (I realise that there are other, possibly easier methods but I'd
> like to try the network approach if it is practicable).
Have you looked at John Kortnik's program: www.inter.nl.net/users/J.Kortink

> I know very little about econet and would like some guidance on the
> following points:
> 2. Assuming that a Master econet board will slot into a RiscPC, is the
> software present in RiscOS to drive it? (I assume so). Would additional file
> server software be needed? Does the card fit into a podule bay or elsewhere?
I don't think it does, Master boards will fit Axxx, Axxxx (except A3010 and
maybe A3000(?)) but not RPCs IIRC. I too have a RiscPC and no econet baord for
it. Now we've got two RiscPC's I'm thinking about connecting those but 100ukps
each for network cards is a bit steep, serial again I think.

I'd go for serial or parrallel transfer, although I'd set up a network if I
had enough spare money as it's much more powerful.

Mark Scholes
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