Date : Wed, 13 Oct 1999 12:08:18 +1300
From : Michael Foot <mikef@...>
Subject: Re: RGB Monitor Cable pinout
I finally got a cable that works with this type of plug. The attached file
shows the pin outs which I found by using a multimeter to see what the
connections are.
At 12:19 4/10/99 +1300, you wrote:
>I've recently been given two RGB monitors that used to be connected to BBC
>Model B's, but unfortunately I was not given the cables that go with them.
>I know the monitors still work and would very much like to connect them up
>to a couple of BBCs I have here.
>The plug on the back of the monitors looks like this:
> ______________
>|_ _|
> | o o o o |
> _| o o o o |_
>I can't find any information about this type of connector at all. Does
>anyone know what the pin connectors for this are?
How to connect an 8 pin RGB monitor plug to a BBC RGB plug.
Both diagrams are shown looking at the plug from the inside.
8 pin RGB monitor plug BBC 5 pin RBG plug
(male) (male)
1 o o 5 5 o o 1
4 o o 2
2 o o 6 o
3 o o 7 3
4 o o 8
| 2----------------------1
| 3----------------------2
| 4----------------------3
The female plug on the back of the monitors looks like this:
|_ 4 3 2 1 _|
| o o o o |
| 8 7 6 5 |
_| o o o o |_
The male plug that goes into this socket looks similar except that it's
just a straight rectangle shape.
| 8 7 6 5 |
| o o o o |
| 4 3 2 1 |
| o o o o |
The female plug in the monitor actually has angled slots as well where
I have drawn the pins below. Up close it's more like this:
/ / / /
o o o o
/ / / /
\ \ \ \
o o o o
\ \ \ \