Date : Mon, 06 Sep 1999 19:42:59 +0200
From : Carlo Concari <conca@...>
Subject: Re: Some machines to resurrect
Michael Foot wrote:
> This machine has certainly seen better days! I'm not sure how stuffed
it is as I haven't looked inside it yet. When powered on all I get is a
continuous beep. Any ideas what's wrong?
My Compact had the same symptom, and I found it was a faulty RAM chip.
I changed it and now it works (I cutted the old chip pins and used them
as a socket for the new one... :)
To determine what was faulty I wrote a debug program and burned it upon
an EPROM; the program output the results of the tests out of the
parallel port to my PC-IBM compatible... that was quite a hack :)
> Thanks everyone,
> Mike.