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Date   : Mon, 06 Sep 1999 19:03:21 -0500 (CDT)
From   : James Woodman <jrw@...>
Subject: Macintosh -> BBC disk image transfer

Hi, I'm new here.  And I've got a question:

Has anyone managed to transfer BBC disk image files (from the Internet)
back onto a BBC disk?  Without a 5.25" disk drive or a PC?

I've got an Apple Mac, which has been my only computer since I got rid of
my A310 in 1995.  Today I picked up a free BBC B+ with two floppy drives,
but I don't have any software for it.  There seems to be a lot of stuff
available out there, but it's all designed for people with emulators.

The most sensible way seems to be to use the Mac to send the raw data of
the file over a serial link, then write a program on the BBC that will
write that directly to disk.  Is that likely to work?  Are the image files
exact copies of the original disk?  If so, can anyone point me in the
direction of some documentation for OS_Word &7F (or whichever one it is
that I might need...)?

I apologise if this has been dealt with before on the list, but I can't
find anything in the archives or on any of the web sites I know.  Lots of
people seem to have come up with ways of getting programs from PCs to
BBCs, but I can't find anything about Apple Macs.

Thanks for the help,

James Woodman

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