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Date   : Wed, 19 May 1999 11:37:34 +0200
From   : "Robert Schmidt" <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Opus Challenger 3in1 floppy drive

stephen gilbert wrote:
> Another question...are most of the BBC games available on files for the
> emulators. I ask because I have about 90% of all the games that ever existed
> for the B on the BBc, so therefore I probably don;t need to convert any of
> them across to images files. If anyone is still requesting any files, try
> me, I may just have them.

The archive at "The BBC Lives!" (based at http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc/sw)
has tons of games, though not yet Superior, Acornsoft or Computer
Concepts games (for the reasons you mention - but they can be found
elsewhere).  Most likely, you'll find what you want.  If I should make a
wild guess, I think the archive also has roughly 80-90% of the games in
existance (if you don't count the above mentioned).  I still have some
huge donated collections to wade through, though...    

As always, if anybody comes across a game they haven't found in the
archive, contributions are most welcome.  I have especially had quite a
few requests for educational titles, and this is a weak part of the
archive, considering the Beeb's dominance in British schools.

Robert Schmidt <robert@...           > Software Engineer
Technoguide AS: http://www.technoguide.no
Tel: +47 22510463  Fax: +47 22734749
Private: http://www.nvg.unit.no/~rsc
Tel: +47 22606076 

    jeg lukker et oye og ser halvt
    jeg  lukker begge  og ser  alt            -- seigmen

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