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Date   : Mon, 17 May 1999 19:48:25 +0100
From   : Graham Bisset <graham@...>
Subject: Re: Opus Challenger 3in1 floppy drive

At 10:32 17/05/99 GMT, you wrote:
>I'm new to the BBC mailing list, as well as to the BBC emulation thing on 
>the PCs. Anyway, I'm looking for anyone with some knowledge of the Opus 
>floppy disk...ie Is there any software out there that will copy these types 
>of floppies to an image file or read these image files, has anyone made a 
>copy of the challenger rom. I suppose I could do these myself, but really 
>I'm after users that used the Opus, as it was one of the better disk drives 
>on the market.

No idea about whether there is software to read the discs about
(unlikely), but I too have one of these units.  Do you have the 256
or 512K version ?

The disc drive contained within was a standard 40/80track double sided
drive with some fancy electronics for the RAM disc.  I have a copy of
the Challenger rom on my BBC archives that I will be digging out soonish
if you need it.

>Another question...are most of the BBC games available on files for the 
>emulators. I ask because I have about 90% of all the games that ever existed 
>for the B on the BBc, so therefore I probably don;t need to convert any of 
>them across to images files. If anyone is still requesting any files, try 
>me, I may just have them.
>I have been to some of the BBC sites, and have noticed that the Acornsoft 
>and Superior games are still copyright, anyone willing to tell me where a 
>site might have some of the files, or send me some...only asking.
>I haven;t used my BBC for years, so I most get to use it again.
>I had tons of stuff, unreleased games, copiers: tape to disc,
>disc to disc, software that managed to copy the best protected
>games on the market.

Interesting.  Any that worked on the Challenger as opposed to
the 8271/1770 ?


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