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Date   : Mon, 11 Jan 1999 18:24:31 EST
From   : JDale40755@...
Subject: Re: Auto-booting Econet BBCs

In a message dated 11/01/99 3:52:30 GMT, you write:

<< bbc-micro@... >>

<how do i get a machine to auto-boot? the !boot file is there but it wont read
it :(
and the other refuses to boot at all>

Auto booting a BBC on Econet is quite simple.

Firstly log on with system priviledge and create a newuser called BOOT with
the NETMGR program.

Create a directory $.BOOT

Log on with *I AM BOOT

Create your !BOOT file with *BUILD !BOOT, then enter your boot file commands
and exit with Escape.

Type *OPT 4,3 and log off with *BYE

Use SHIFT-N-BREAK and the computer will automatically log on as BOOT and
execute the !BOOT file. I have used this system for about 12 years and it is
very reliable.

My system actually had a machine code file called !BOOT and I used *OPT 4,2 to
run this file. The !BOOT file set up the user station how I wanted it, logged
on as a public user with read-only access priviledges and ran a BASIC log-on
program. The log-on program allowed public access to CAL-type software, e-mail
facilities, on-line help and the ability to log on as a user.

I even went one step further and hard-wired the keyboard jumpers so that the
machines auto-booted on switch-on and on Ctrl-BREAK as well. A very robust
system almost impossible to crash. Those were the days!

I hope that this has been of some use.

John Dale
IT Coordinator, Hartland School, Worksop

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