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Date   : Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:46:27 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Tom Seddon <T.W.Seddon@...>
Subject: are you likely to help? (real BBCs not the emulated type) (fwd)

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I got this today, I'm not really sure how to help as I've never used 
Econet. (I did suggest *OPT4,x though.) I pointed him/her to the 
appropriate place on The BBC Lives! so he/she can join the mailing list.

I do not have time to brainwash you, so listen carefully

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:02:42 -0000
From: BHeber2 <bheber2@...        >
To: T.W.Seddon@...      
Subject: are you likely to help? (real BBCs not the emulated type)

im sorry to bother you but i have a few problems with our BBC econet network
from your page you seem the best to ask
they are probably simple problems but im used to PCs
how do i get a machine to auto-boot? the !boot file is there but it wont
read it :(
and the other refuses to boot at all
when it starts it says something like:
BBC basic
DFS (some number somewhere)
bit vague i know sorry

the DFS isnt on the rest and i cant find how to set it back to the rest
if you could help id be most grateful thank you
im on IRC too:
channel: #tlk-l and #new2irc(not sure why i go there im not new but i enjoy
helping people)

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