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Date   : Thu, 21 May 1998 20:45:48 +0100
From   : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: Hard drives...

In article <000b01bd848b$943f7830$0100a8c0@...>, Mark Usher
<marku@...> writes

>Oh Mike, I am disappointed in you. I though this was a nice bit of info that
>you of all people would have tucked away somewhere.

<fx: hangs head in shame>

>OK. Dead easy to work out.
>ADFS stores the sector number in 3 bytes, thus it is possible to address
>2^24 sectors. Each sector contains 256 bytes and so a little maths gives
>(((2^24) * 256 ) / 1024 ) / 1024 = 4.096GB

Thanks for that Mark.  I've learnt something today <grin>

>which not even Win95 can address - it's limit is 2GB (for a partition).

oooh, advocacy wars...

>As for Johns problem of a drive, I would definitely recommend going round
>all these lovely computer fairs you seem to have in the UK almost every

Actually, I do pop into a fair almost every weekend. (I get into them
free.)  Very few traders do secondhand stuff, and usually it's more like
VGA cards.  Second hand hard drives are almost always SCSI.

I think the very low prices of current IDE units has made traders decide
it's not worth trying to make money on MFM/RLL units.

>ou are bound to pick up something there. Their is always an "old
>bits box" or stand, you can't fail. 

I find radio rallies much better for this kind of thing.

http://www.rsgb.org/  has a listing.

Mike Tomlinson (still hanging his head in shame)

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