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Date   : Thu, 21 May 1998 09:39:25 +0200
From   : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: Hard drives...

> (what's the hard disc size limit on BBC ADFS? - it's not 512Mb, is it?)
Oh Mike, I am disappointed in you. I though this was a nice bit of info that
you of all people would have tucked away somewhere.
OK. Dead easy to work out.
ADFS stores the sector number in 3 bytes, thus it is possible to address
2^24 sectors. Each sector contains 256 bytes and so a little maths gives
(((2^24) * 256 ) / 1024 ) / 1024 = 4.096GB
which not even Win95 can address - it's limit is 2GB (for a partition).

As for Johns problem of a drive, I would definitely recommend going round
all these lovely computer fairs you seem to have in the UK almost every
weekend. You are bound to pick up something there. Their is always an "old
bits box" or stand, you can't fail. Another possibility is to remove the
SASI to MFM/RLL adapter in the Viglin unit and hang an SCSI drive directly
on it. Not sure if that will work as I am not to familiar with what
"exactly" is inside the Viglin unit. If there are 2 circuit boards then it
would be possible, otherwise you'll have to go with MFM/RLL.

BBC Documentation Project

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