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Date   : Fri, 30 May 1997 08:55:34 +0100 (BST)
From   : Gelfling <pjh28@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Questions......

On Tue, 27 May 1997, Bala Amavasai wrote:

> 1. How do I convert these programs that I download onto  my BBC, once
>    I've copied it over with BeebDOS?

I have an automated system (.BAT file + BBC Basic program), which does the
BATCH:	1) Unzip files
	2) Create ADFS dir "$.game"
	3) Copy files "*." as "$.game.game" (all files have same name)
	4) Copy files "*.INF" as "$.game.game@..." (or whatever)

BASIC:	1) Go into dir $.game
	2) Read file "game@..." and set addresses+rename file "game" based
on information from the file "game@..."
	3) Repeat stage (2) until no more files called "game@..." exist.

Obviously it's a bit more sophisticated than that, but there's the
general idea. The key feature is that BeebDos allows you to save multiple
files under the same name. Provided the game files are in the same order
as the "*.INF" files (almost always true) all you have to do is sit back
and watch.
Sometimes you need to copy to DFS or do some fine tuning, but that's
essentially the process.

I'll send the working files if you want.

> 2. How do I turn down the sound to my Master? I've used the Control
>    Panel utility to set the sound to half, but whenever a game takes
>    control, the volume automatically goes up to full again. I've been
>    told that there is a hardware switch (potmeter?) inside the BBC. Where
>    is it located?

The contol panel configuration ("*conf. quiet" or "*conf. loud") only
controls the default "beep!" sound you get on a reset or from pressing
COPY. Normal game sounds are unaffected, as you pointed out.
There are 2 ways to deal with this.
	1) At the back right of the machine is a phono socket labelled
"Audio Out". Look at the socket from inside the machine and you'll see
there's just enough room to stick a medium-sized screw in between the
terminals. This shorts one of the sound outputs, thus cutting the sound
drastically with no damage done to the machine (I used it for ages with no
side effects).

	2) Put a 10K potentiometer in series with the speaker. A
logarithmic one is probably best, but linear is fine also.
              || <- POT
+ WIRE -----.====.---- ] SPEAKER +
- WIRE --------------- ] SPEAKER -

> Do you know of any ongoing projects for the Electron which I could
> participate in, or should I start one myself.

None ongoing that I know of. The most useful thing I did with my electron
was to take the power supply out and use it to run a B+ instead :)
The old "Body Building" series is (still?) available from a site somewhere
in the UK. If you're looking for projects on the trailing edge of
technology, these sites might be of interest:
Take care,

 /      Hmmmm....looks like Gelfling...smells like Gelfling...      \
|                     ...maybe it IS a Gelfling!                     |
 \--------------- http://hammer.chu.cam.ac.uk/~pjh28/ --------------/

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