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Date   : Wed, 28 May 1997 10:11:17 +0100
From   : Robert Schmidt <rsc@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Questions......

Bala Amavasai wrote:
> 1. Why is it that many programs that I download from BBC Lives! won't
>    work? I've noticed that files in each archive come with a duplicate
>    filename with a .INF extension. Does this hold the key to running
>    the program? How do I convert these programs that I download onto
>    my BBC, once I've copied it over with BeebDOS?

BeebDOS doesn't make use of the *.inf files, and yes, the information in
those files is vital.  Consider using Mark de Weger's XFer program
instead.  His package includes documentation on how to build the serial
comms cable to connect your BBC to a PC, and his program automatically
uses *.inf files if available to make sure the files get the correct
load and exec addresses on the BBC side.
> 4. Are there copies of manuals for software like Mini Office II which
>    has been transcribed to the Internet for reference?

Not that I know of.  "The BBC Lives!" has a smallish documentation
section at


This is the only BBC documentation project I know of on the net.  The
main contributor this far has been Mark Usher (mailto:marku@...),
who has done great work in scanning and OCR'd some manuals.  The BBC
User's Guide is on its way!  Any other contributions are well
appreciated, but you should probably coordinate your work with Mark, so
you don't do stuff twice.
Robert Schmidt <rsc@...       >
Software Developer / Vingmed Sound tel +47 67124237 fax +47 67124355
Private tel +47 22352293 WWW http://www.nvg.unit.no/~rsc

The law forbids both rich and poor to beg, steal and sleep under

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