Date : Mon, 01 Jul 1996 13:25:38 +0100 (BST)
From : James Fidell <james@...>
Subject: Re: HELP! (un)subscribing the BBC-List
> Dear Reader,
> I have been subscribing this list for some time now but at a different
> address.
> My provider just vent bankrupt so I had to change provider but my
> problem is I can not unsubscribe the list to my old provider and much
> worse I can't subscribe the list to my new address.
> When I try to (un)subscribe at bbc-micro-request@... I get this
> back:
> The Email address:
> bbc-micro-request@...
> is no longer valid at this site. That person no longer works here.
That'll be me. Looks like the mailing list is a bit of a mess now.
As soon as I can get a copy of Solaris 2.5.1 from Sun, I'll be moving the
mailing lists over to Netcom under Majordomo. I'm going to see if I can
get the stuff from Sun today.
Sorry I can't offer a more satisfory solution in the meantime :-(
"Yield to temptation -- | Work: james@...
it may not pass your way again" | Play: james@...
- Lazarus Long | James Fidell