Date : Fri, 28 Jun 1996 07:52:15 GMT
From : gummy@... (Gudmundur Thorsteinsson)
Subject: HELP! (un)subscribing the BBC-List
Dear Reader,
I have been subscribing this list for some time now but at a different address.
My provider just vent bankrupt so I had to change provider but my problem
is I can not unsubscribe the list to my old provider and much worse I can't
subscribe the list to my new address.
When I try to (un)subscribe at bbc-micro-request@... I get this back:
The Email address:
is no longer valid at this site. That person no longer works here.
If you have enquiries about OiT, please call us on:
+44 1865 785000
If any kind soul would let me know how to subscribe to the BBC-List he/she
would make me very happy.
Best regards,
Gummy :-)
E-mail gummy@... Phone: +354-5886216
Gudmundur Thorsteinsson, Solheimar 27, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland.
...Programmers don't sleep - they just park their heads