Date : Tue, 15 Nov 1994 14:33:10 GMT
From : csxpgg@...
Subject: Undocumented Opcodes,
Hi Beeb geeks :-),
I seem to remember a thread about undocumented opcodes
on the 6502, I wonder if I can get any information
- -6502 data sheets, if anyone has these and they are any
use I would appreciate them
- -any other source
I really need those undocumented ones!
Just another question...
Has anyone out there had any problems with the BRK instruction
when executing *FX 0 from BASIC?
I know BRK is used to write out the startup banner, but
the emulator crashes when it trys to do *FX 0 and I have traced
the ROM as far as BRK, then further until it JSR &8003 to the
preferred language ROM
Thanks in advance for any help,
- -Nigel
| Nigel Gilbert (Norb)
| csxpgg@...