Date : Mon, 14 Nov 1994 16:49:40 +0000 (GMT)
From : clr1@...
Subject: My emulator
Hello all.
Just a quick note to let you know how my emulator's getting along; thanks
to all the people who asked!
Due to pressures of work and another big project (this one might have
money in it!) - see sig - I'm afraid I've done very little to it since
the list went down at the end of my summer holidays. I also suffer from
not having a BBC with me here, which doesn't help.
I am still stuck at the keyboard handling - I'm afraid I'm getting
confused simultaneously by PC interrupt handling (never done it in
straight assembler before - self modifying code gives me the willies) and
BBC keyboard handling.
With any luck I'll sit down some time and have a long hard look at the
keyboard handling, but I don't think it'll be for a while; I've got 2
essays and a project due in in the next couple of weeks.
Keep programming though, folks! I'll be back...
| AutoBase 7.3 should *soon* be available via anonymous ftp |
| to, /pub/autobase. For current |
| development info, finger clr1@... |
+------------ Chris Rae; clr1/clr@.../ -+