Some Astronomy links...

Hubble Space Telescope Institute

Latest public HST image releases, image libraries and mission updates. Most of the library pictures are available in various image formats, including JPG, GIF and some B&W versions.


Collection of astronomy-related links and suppliers, including Meade, Televue, Questar.

Mars Pathfinder Mission

I have checked most of the available mirror sites for speed of access from the U.K. One of the best seems to be this Danish server. The status page takes a LONG time to load, because the images are in high-res JPG. Worth the wait though! (This link verified at 5/7/97)

Some Birding links...

Optics for Birding FAQ

My friend Ed Matthews' excellent site. Started off as an optics FAQ, but now an essential collection of reviews, articles and links for all birding optics matters. IMO, the most important resource on the 'net for this. Ed had to move his server address recently and many of the other links to it on the www are out of date. THIS is the correct URL.


Better View Desired

Another vastly detailed site for birding optics. More reviews and technical articles than you could ever need. Steve has some fixed views on what constitutes a good pair of bins - and he knows what he's talking about!


UK 400 Group

Ludicrously self-important site from some of the high-scoring twitchers in the hobby. Good resource for species lists and locations though.


Birdwatching in Northern Ireland

The official NITB site - this page gives useful birding info for the visitor, including access, typical species and other items of interest.