| The Yards of Whitby
A complete plan of the yards of Whitby at a scale of 1:1250, about 50 inchesto a mile. It shows all the yards as they currently are, giving all theirnames. No other map ever published has shown all the yards in such detailand completeness. Includes an index and quick location reference.£5.00 (being redrafted, due out 2009) | ISBN 978-1-899366-70-5 |
| Rockall and Hasselwood Rock 1:50,000 scale map of Rockall and the adjacent Hasselwood Rock. Yes, this isa sheet of blue paper with a blob in the corner, but it is a proper Rockallmap in the style of the OS Landranger series with grid lines and bordergraticules and wotnot.£5.00 (due out 2009) | ISBN 978-1-899366-80-4 |
| Sheffield Ward Boundary Review Submission
| Sheffield Parliamentary Review Submission