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These search terms have been highlighted: risc resolver module 

ANT Application Notes
The documentation given in these pages is primarily of a technical nature, and is not a replacement for either the manual supplied with the Internet Suite, or the Internet Suite FAQ which answers many common questions that our support department is asked.


Although ANT Limited tests its software and reviews its documentation ANT Limited offers no warranty either express or implied with respect to this software or documentation, its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose. As a result they are made available "as is" and in using them you are assuming the entire risk as to their quality and suitability.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of ANT Limited. No part of this documentation by be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including printing, photocopying and recording for any purpose without the written permission of ANT Limited.

Application Notes
  • URL broadcast mechanism
    "When an application wishes for a URL to be opened but does not know how to, it should broadcast a WIMP message, falling back to a *URLOpen_<scheme> command."

  • DNS resolver module SWI interface
    "The Resolver relocatable module provides the following SWI calls for use by network applications wishing to perform DNS/Hosts file name lookups."

  • MIME encoding of RISCOS files
    "Defines a standard MIME content-subtype for adding RISCOS file attachments to email messages."

  • Mapping between MIME types and RISCOS filetypes
    "The MimeMap module provides a central service for mapping between RISC OS file types, MIME content types and 'dot' extensions to file names."

  • Fresco Plug-In Protocol
    "Provided by Acorn's website, the Acorn Plug-In Protocol for writing RISC OS applications that can run inside a web browser HTML page."
Source Code
  • URL launcher - BASIC
    Example program that launches a URL for other applications to pick up on. Spark archive [2200 bytes].

  • DNS examples - BASIC
    Set of example programs to use the DNS resolver module. Spark archive [1810 bytes].

  • Mail delivery program - C
    Source to the !InetSuite.Internet.Bin.Deliver program to demonstrate use of processing email with extensions to the !InetSuite application. Spark archive [6332 bytes].
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