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Sheffield Parliamentary Boundary Review

The Boundary Commission for England announced the Local Enquiry to be held to determine furure Parliamentary boundaries in Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham. The proposals for Doncaster were supported by all but one respondant, and so the draft proposals have become the final proposals.

The Local Enquiry started on Tuesday 15th March in the Council Chamber at Sheffield Town Hall.

Many of the representations proposed different sets of boundaries. Those that cover Sheffield are summarised below, along with the Boundary Commission's initial proposal.

Boundary Commission

Conservative Party


Labour Party

David Munn
Also supported or adopted by: Also supported or adopted by: Also supported or adopted by:    
The Conservative Party supported this option in the original report. They sumbitted a modified model to the Local Enquiry. The Conservative Party,
Attercliffe Conservative Association,
Sheffield Central Conservative Association
as their modified model.
Sheffield Liberal Democrat Group,
Sheffield Liberal Democrat Local Parties.
J.G.Harston submitted a composite model during the Local Enquiry.

Many respondants only gave partial recommenations. These are summarised below, along with if these were included in the full submissions:
Barnsley MBC,
Barnsley Liberal Democrats,
Michael Clapham,
Mr and Mrs Whittaker,
Hoyland ward and Rockingham ward should be in Penistone instead of Dodworth ward.
Barnsley Labour Party. Dodworth ward should be in Penistone as per the BC proposal.
Darnall Labour Party
Cllr Mary Lea
Darnall ward should not be in Heeley, but in a constituency named Attercliffe.
Darnall Forum
Handsworth Forum.
Darnall ward and Woodhouse ward should be in a constituency named Attercliffe.
Clive Betts MP,
Sheffield Liberal Democrats,
Labour Party.
Darnall ward should not be in Heeley.
Handsworth Forum. Richmond ward should be in Heeley.
David Blunkett MP. East Ecclesfield ward and West Ecclesfield ward should be in Brightside.
Michael Clapham. Stannington ward and Hillsborough ward should be in Penistone instead of East Ecclesfield ward and West Ecclesfield ward.
Megg Munn MP. Beauchief & Greenhill ward should be in Heeley, Darnall ward should not be in Heeley, Richmond ward should be in Heeley.
Cllr Sandra Birkinshaw. Most of Dodworth ward should not be in Penistone.
Cllr Brenda Hinchcliffe. Stannington ward and Hillsborough ward should be in Penistone instead of East Ecclesfield ward and West Ecclesfield ward should be in a Sheffield constituency, and only Stocksbridge ward from Sheffield should be in Penistone.
Judith Handon. Crookes ward should be in Hallam, not Central. Stannington ward not be in Hallam, but in the same constituency as Hillsborough ward. Hallam should comprise Crookes ward, Broomhill ward, Fullwood ward, Ecclesall ward and either Dore & Totley ward or Nether Edge ward.
Sheffield Central Labour Party,
The Labour Party.
Sheffield Central should comprise Broomhill ward, Burngreave ward, Cenral ward, Manor & Castle ward and Walkley ward.
Arbourthorne Labour Party,
The Labour Party.
Arbourthone ward and Richmond ward should be in the same constitiuency.

I have done my best to ensure that the information contained here is accurate, but I cannot be held responsible for any errors.
Hosted by Force9 Internet - Authored by J.G.Harston - Last update: 23-Mar-2005