NewView Extensions 1.06 ======================= J.G.Harston, 1995 This converts VIEW version B3.0 as found in the Master, extending it in various ways. To do this, you must do the following: i) Get a ROM image of VIEW. You can do this by doing *ROMS to see which ROM VIEW is in. Save it to disk by doing */SrSave VIEW . You cannot use the *SrSave command in ROM as this does not allow you to save from ROM, only from RAM. ii) Run the NewView program. Enter the ROM image name when prompted. It will save the amended ROM image. iii) Load in the ROM image, eg using *SrLoad VIEWJ3 8000 , and press Ctrl-Break. You could then blow the new VIEW into an EPROM and install it permanently, unplugging the original version (either physically or by using *UNPLUG). Extensions to VIEW ================== VIEW is extended as follows: VIEW starts up with format/insert F-I instead of format/overwrite FJ-. COUNT respond with 'xxxx words counted' instead of 'word(s) counted', as it is very unlikely that you will actually count one word. SAVE sets the load address to &FFFFFF00 so it is recognised as filetyped to &FFF (Text) by RISC OS/Archimedes systems and HADFS. READ converts LF/CR, CR/LF and LF to CR, so *SPOOL, Arc and PC text files can easily by read in, and also allows top-bit set characters through. Keyboard reading is extended to allow accented characters and various lines and blobs to be entered. These are characters 128 to 223 in the character set refered to in printer manuals as 'pc8'. On startup the top-bit set characters are redefined to the 'pc8' character set. Using extended keyboard input ============================= Press Ctrl and the main letter, then one of the following: " or 2 for umlaut % or 5 for cidilla / or ? for acute accent \ or | for grave accent ^ for hat ~ for ny For punctuation, press Ctrl-X, then the main mark (There can occasionally be problems if an accented character is the first letter of a line) Ctrl-A " Ctrl-159 Ctrl-U " Ctrl-A 2 Ctrl-Y 2 Ctrl-A / Ctrl-I 2 (") Ctrl-U / Ctrl-A \ Ctrl-I / Ctrl-U \ Ctrl-A O Ctrl-I \ Ctrl-U ^ Ctrl-A o Ctrl-I ^ Ctrl-A ^ Ctrl-Y 2 (") Ctrl-A E Ctrl-N ~ Ctrl-Y - (=) Ctrl-A e Ctrl-N ^ Ctrl-166 Ctrl-P t Ctrl-O " Ctrl-C | Ctrl-C % Ctrl-O 2 Ctrl-C 5 Ctrl-O / Ctrl-X ? Ctrl-O \ Ctrl-X ! Ctrl-E 2 (") Ctrl-O ^ Ctrl-X < Ctrl-E ? Ctrl-167 Ctrl-X > Ctrl-E / Ctrl-X 2 Ctrl-E \ Ctrl-X 4 Ctrl-E ^ The keypad on the Master will produce lines and blocks: CtrlĿ No CtrlĿ v v ͻ + - / * < No Shift + - / * < Shift ͹ 7 n 8 n 9 n # # ͹ Typing a three-digit number with 4 n 5 n 6 n Ctrl held down will enter that DEL Ascii character ͹ 1 n 2 n 3 n , * Pressing Shift-, or Ctrl-Shift-, ĺ> then a number selects a line from: ͹ Shift: Ѹ Ctrl-Shift: ҷ 0 * . * ص ׶ RETURN Ͼ н ͼ The Ctrl-number feature can also be used on the normal number keys.